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About me

I'm currently a student studying in Singapore Polytechnic Digital Animation course, and this is my art portfolio. I go by Zeitengeist, Sylviidae or simply Dae. My name is Yibing Tan.

As a child, I've always dreamed about doing something amazing one day, something that would change the world. Animated movies like How to Train Your Dragon, Mulan and Tangled were a few of what helped me to be part of who I am today. And that was why I chose to study in this field; I wanted to help shape the children of the future.

It is my dream to one day produce an inspirational film all by myself. Enrolling into the Digital Animation course in Singapore Polytechnic has made that dream closer to fruition than ever, and I am really grateful for everyone there who have helped me improve and strive to be better.

“Do not focus on everyone around you, focus on improving yourself instead.” This has helped me multiple times whenever tough times happened. It lectured me to drop it and move on. So here I am, making the best of what I can.


“If at first you don’t succeed, try coming in a second later.” Because puns make the best motivational quotes.

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